Get Involved

Ways to Donate:

Click below for secure donation options using your credit card or other methods.

Be sure to communicate what lead you to donate, we would love to hear how God has brought you to our ministry!

Automatic Withdraws:

Click HERE to complete the authorization form, then email it to or mail it to us at 543 Eastern Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.

Camp Sponsorship:

Each spring, a letter is sent asking for scholarships to send kids to camp.  We can not send our kids to camp without the help of generous donors. As a result of paying for a scholarship for a student, you will:

  • Receive a photo of the child as a reminder to pray for a life-changing week for that child.
  • After camp, we make every effort to have your child/family write a personal letter to you as a thank you and to share some of their camp experiences.
  • The assurance that you are partnering with our families when you invest in their children’s camp experience again this year. Every family is required to help pay for their child’s camp as well.  This will allow them to feel a part of sending their own child to camp and will empower them as parents to be parents.

If you’re interested in supporting our Camp program, please contact or (616) 365-9009


Below is a list of opportunities.  If you click on each of them, there is a quick description for each one.  If you would like to know more about volunteering in any of our various programs, please email us at for more information or to discuss opportunities. When you decide you’re ready to start volunteering, the next step is to fill out our volunteer application.

College Connection

College Connection is held during the school year on Monday evenings for our students ages 7-17 who are already involved in UFM programming. We take students to Christian Universities to see college as a possibility for themselves. The college students have an opportunity to be a mentor to UFM students and give them an experience of campus life.

Teen Nite

During the school year, UFM hosts Teen Nite for ages 13-17 on Tuesday evenings from 6-8PM. Our teens gather for safe space to build relationships with peers, leaders, and with God. Teens and volunteers enjoy a meal together, have free time, a lesson, small group, journaling, and games. A special thing about Teen Nite is that we visit college & trade schools, and annually go to winter camp. 

Kidz Nite

During the school year, UFM hosts Kidz Nite for ages 3-12 on Thursday evenings from 6-8pm. We create a safe space to experience the love of Jesus Christ and build relationships. Students and volunteers enjoy a meal together, share about their weeks, have freetime, a lesson, small group, craft, and games. 

Sponsor a Meal

Sharing a meal gives a great opportunity to grow in relationship and serve others. That’s why we host a meal at every one of our programs. 

We cannot serve meals without amazing supporters who provide for us! You can sponser a meal by preparing a meal in advance, order food and have it delivered, or send a gift card or donation for a meal to be ordered. 

Transportation Help

Some of our activities and programs require transportation.  Are you brave enough to drive a 15 passenger van?  We will train you!  

Group Projects

We know that small groups, youth groups, and businesses, like to serve together. We have regular service project opportunities at our building or with our UFM families. 

Landscaping at UFM

We have a gorgeous courtyard at our building. There are several types of flowers, underground sprinkling and of course, lots of weeds if not taken care of. If you enjoy working in the dirt, would you be interested in taking on our flower beds for the summer?

We are at $95,442 of the $150,000 for our end of year giving campaign! [Donate Here](
We are at $95,442 of the $150,000 for our end of year giving campaign! [Donate Here](